Sometimes the key to having a clean area is by having the right things in the area. You know what I mean. You have a pile of pens, you have bills stacking up, you have to run to the other room to blow your nose.
How can bringing THINGS into your house make for less clutter? — It’s a good question. BUT, when rooms are well stocked with the right items, it makes it easier to keep them tidy.
Today I want to talk about 3 things to have in each room of your house to help it be more functional:
Don’t miss this podcast on decluttering your kitchen:
3 Things to Help you De-clutter Your Home
1. Pen cup/container: This gives you a place to put all those pens that you know you’ll need but don’t want cluttering your space. I honestly have a pen cup in probably every bedroom, each room (except the living room, because I don’t want to encourage my kids to write on my couch). Makes it easy to put those away, and I know you have a bunch of coffee mugs you don’t use – put them to good use!
2. Garbage: When ever I go to visit someone and I can’t find the garbage I feel like they’re just asking me to litter. Just like Disneyland, if you don’t want the trash cluttering your “park” make sure that there is a trash can within good reach from most rooms.
3. Kleenex. Instead of my kids using their sleeve (or even worse, my sleeve) I try to keep a Kleenex box in each room. It helps keeps germs at bay! Any more there are so many cute boxes, it’s easy to find one to match your fancier rooms (if you’re into that, which I am not).
A few other things that are handy have.
- A bin for blankets in the living room. My kids love to huddle under a blanket when they’re watching TV. I don’t even mind if they just throw it in there (I just want it off the couch).
- Hampers. I have one in each kid’s room. In fact, my boys each have their own (because they no longer wanted to share their laundry duties). I know some families keep them in the bathroom – whatever works for you, but just get your FREAKING DIRTY CLOTHES IN THE HAMPER.
Sorry, that’s obviously a hot button topic with me. 🙂
So, think about the rooms in your house that function the best, and consider why. Maybe you could incorporate some of those things into other areas of your house to make them more functional.
Tell me about them in the comments!
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