What do you do when you’re just SO mad as a parent? It’s going to happen…. but what can you do when you’re just STEAMING inside.
Today’s guest is Susie Lindberg. Susie is a marriage and parenting coach who specializes in helping parents whose children have DMDD, ADHD, or ODD. She has been married for 23 years and has six children, including three with ADHD and one with DMDD. Susie is certified in life and health coaching by The Life Coach School. She also has a degree in communications from Brigham Young University and numerous health and fitness certifications. You can read her blog and find out how to work with her at www.susielindberg.com.
Big thanks to our sponsor Family Routines — by having a routine you can really handle those times when you’re SUPER mad.
In this episode
What to do when you’re super mad:
Slow down.
Remember your kids can’t MAKE you have a specific emotion.
“your kid is under warranty”
Remember teaching can be really frustrating.
You can even get mad with newborns!
Other things that might interest you
Producer: Drew Erickson
Check out my other parenting podcasts:
[00:00:00.070] – Hilary Erickson
Hey, guys, welcome back to the Pulling Curls Podcast. Today on episode 132, we’re talking about what to do when you are real mad. I’m talking, like, real mad.
[00:00:20.070] – Hilary Erickson
Hi, I’m Hilary Erickson, the curly head behind the Pulling Curls podcast where we untangle pregnancy, parenting, home, and even travel. We know there’s no right answer for every family, but hopefully we can spark some ideas that will work for yours. Life tangled just like my hair.
[00:00:42.430] – Hilary Erickson
Hey, guys, before we get started, you know what really softens my anger? When I see a new review on itunes. Literally. Look there. See how long it’s been since the review was put up? I need some. Thank you so much.
[00:00:54.680] – Hilary Erickson
Today’s guest is a parenting and relationship coach. I know her. We’re actually step-cousins, I believe is our relationship. And I follow her on Instagram. And I just really like some of the things she was talking about. I want to introduce today’s guest, Susie Lindberg.
[00:01:15.110] – Hilary Erickson
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[00:01:52.290] – Susie Lindberg
[00:01:52.690] – Hilary Erickson
Susie, welcome to the Pulling Curls Podcast.
[00:01:54.720] – Susie Lindberg
Hi, Hilary. Thanks for having me.
[00:01:56.650] – Hilary Erickson
Yeah, I am super excited to talk about this because, boy, oh, boy, I was just so mad last night.
[00:02:02.910] – Susie Lindberg
I can’t wait to hear about why. Because we all get mad. That’s just like normal parents stuff.
[00:02:08.320] – Hilary Erickson
Well, I can’t tell you why. Because it was about a kid.
[00:02:11.500] – Susie Lindberg
Yeah, that’s tricky. See, in my one in one session, we can get into it. But yeah, you’re right. Just keep that to yourself.
[00:02:18.070] – Hilary Erickson
Suffice it to say, I was really mad. And the friends that I did tell were like, oh, yeah, you’re mad. First off, you get mad when you have toddlers. But a lot of it is tired and just constant, like doing the same thing over and over. Stop pulling out all the books. Stop right.
[00:02:35.790] – Susie Lindberg
It’s more like frustration than real anger.
[00:02:38.370] – Hilary Erickson
Usually with toddlers, we’re buckling kids in car seats.
[00:02:44.330] – Susie Lindberg
There are some major fights that happened there about buckling kids. In fact, I coached somebody on just that exact thing maybe three weeks ago. She just could not. It just was a battle every time. It’s tough. Toddlers are tough.
[00:02:58.020] – Hilary Erickson
Yes. But I will say that you get teenagers bring a whole new level of like, oh, my gosh, what were you thinking. Right. And I think this can apply to everybody. But just know that if you’re early in Parenthood, your level of anger and you’re your level of joy coming for you. Okay. So what do you do when you’re just, like so mad?
[00:03:20.660] – Susie Lindberg
So the first thing you want to do is I like to say, just slow your role. Slow it down. Because when you’re really feeling a lot of anger, you’re reacting from your amygdala. That lower part of your brain. And your initial tendency is going to be to come out with things you don’t really want to be saying. Probably you’re probably going to end up yelling. That’s really common. So when you are feeling angry, you really want to parent from your prefrontal cortex. And so you want to slow everything down. Usually your mind is populating with all of these thoughts. Why did he do this? He shouldn’t have done this. He knows better than this. All of these things are popping into your head and you just kind of want to slow it down. I actually like to say to my kids, you know what? I love you so much, and I need to think about this. Let me have a few minutes and let’s come back and talk about it, because I know if I talk about it from that place of anger, it’s not going to be my best guarantee. So that’s the first thing.
[00:04:22.740] – Susie Lindberg
Just slow everything down.
[00:04:24.940] – Hilary Erickson
Yeah. Everybody needs the time out. That’s when probably I need the time out the most.
[00:04:32.190] – Susie Lindberg
Yes. Usually you do need the time out even more than your kid because your kid is scared. Right. If they can see that you’re getting anger, they’re feeling fear. Their tendency is to kind of freeze up when they feel fear. But from anger, you’re going to yell. So if you want a parent in your best way, you just kind of want to take a moment and gather. And then I like to go into my room and I like to just kind of lay down on my bed. This is different for everybody, but just kind of feel the anger. Right. It’s totally fine to be angry. We are all human beings. We all have all kinds of thoughts that produce human emotions. Anger is totally fine. Sometimes moms feel or Dads, too, feel all the guilt and shame over feeling angry at your child. It’s fine. Everybody is going to get angry. It’s okay. So you want to go in and just let yourself feel the anger. Another thing that’s really common is you want to push the anger away. Sometimes that also comes from that guilt and shame. So there are a few different ways to push it away.
[00:05:25.500] – Susie Lindberg
You can try and think about something else. You can try and distract yourself by doing something else. Something super common for me at least, is I turn to ice cream or cookies. Right. Because your brain is kind of freaking out and it’s like, I need a little hit of Dopamine I know how to get that chunky monkey on the way? Right. So you want to allow yourself to feel that anger, because what you’ll find is as you sit there and you let yourself feel it and you let all those thoughts come into your head without judging them, you’ll just start to feel that anger kind of dissipate, and you can come at things from a cleaner, healthier place. The emotion will start to kind of go away a little bit or soften even. So, when you take anger and you try and avoid it kind of like pushing a beach ball down underneath the water, you can push it down. You can get away from that anger for a little while, but eventually you have to move away from that beach ball, and it’s going to shoot out and it’s going to come back even bigger.
[00:06:23.750] – Susie Lindberg
Whereas if you just let that beach ball of anger sit on the water, it’ll just sit there, and then it becomes more like a wave, right. Like, you’ll have waves of anger. You won’t just process it and feel that anger, and then it’ll totally go away. It’ll kind of retreat for a little while, and then it’ll come back with a little softer, and then it’ll retreat, and then it’ll come back, but a little softer. So that’s a lot better thing to do than trying to just avoid the emotion.
[00:06:47.440] – Hilary Erickson
Yeah. I just listened to a podcast yesterday, and they were talking about how you just need to look at it as like a stream. Your emotions are streamed and you’re just in it and you’re letting them go by you and you’re noticing what emotions are there, but you’re not, like, getting super caught up in all those emotions, right?
[00:07:02.760] – Susie Lindberg
Yes. I love that analogy. Yeah. We call that being kind of the watcher of your emotions. You kind of almost come out of your body and you’re like, oh, anger. This is anger and feeling anger. It’s totally okay. I can feel anger. Right. You just kind of sit with it and let it be there. So I love that idea of being a stream. That’s awesome.
[00:07:21.890] – Hilary Erickson
Yeah. And we need to remember that if anyone else did these things to us, if anyone else had a history fit when we were trying to protect their little lives, we’d be really upset. Right. Like, if your co worker was like, I want to shoot this gun around the office, and you were like, no, you can’t shoot a gun around the office. That’s not safe. And then they had a SFIT. You’d be like, you big jerk, same as the car seat. It is a very frustrating thing because you’re trying to do something that’s good.
[00:07:47.330] – Susie Lindberg
It is. And honestly, the child doesn’t understand. And that’s something that’s so interesting, too. Right? Whether you’re talking about toddlers or whether you’re talking about teenagers, they really don’t understand why you’re angry. They don’t understand that the car seat protects them. They don’t understand that a curfew could protect them. And there’s a reason you want them home before 02:00 a.m. Right. Or whatever it is. When you get angry, not from the anger, but a little while later. That presents some of the best teaching moments to have conversations. And when you have a toddler, right. That’s going to be a very different conversation. But especially as they get older, you can do a lot of teaching from those moments. And when I’m angry, I try and remember that this is going to be a good teaching moment.
[00:08:31.450] – Hilary Erickson
Yeah. Someday.
[00:08:32.430] – Susie Lindberg
Someday this will be a good teaching moment someday. So the next thing you want to do right after you kind of calm down, is you want to notice all of those sentences that are firing around in your head, all of those thoughts. So I’m about to tell you the best news ever, and you may not believe me when I tell you this.
[00:08:53.100] – Hilary Erickson
There’s somewhere to ship our teenagers that’s completely free.
[00:08:56.840] – Susie Lindberg
Yeah, that would be great news, but no, that’s not it. Sometimes I feel like that here’s the best news ever. Your kid did not make you angry. In fact, your kid cannot make you angry. Your kid may have done something that triggered thoughts in you that made you feel angry, but the kid didn’t actually cause that anger. And let me tell you how we know this. Let me give you an example. If you have a child, maybe your twelve year old, let’s do it a little higher state, maybe 15 year old comes home and your 15 year old gives you their report card and you see that that child received an 80% in math. One parent might think, man, math is really hard. Way to go, bud. You totally nailed that class. Awesome job. Solidview. That’s great. And another parent might be thinking something like, oh, my goodness, this is it. They’re not going to Harvard now. All my dreams, they’re gone. And they might actually get angry about that 80%. Either way, the only thing the kid did is get an 80%. Right. But it’s our thoughts about what they did that trigger all of that anger.
[00:10:01.420] – Susie Lindberg
And that is so empowering. Because if you can’t do anything about what your child did and we never can, right, we cannot console other people, definitely not our own children, but really not anybody. If your emotions are at the mercy of whatever your kid does, you are going to feel out of control all the time because you can’t control them. When you realize that you have a choice in how you think about everything that they do, you suddenly are the master of your own feelings and it changes everything. It’s really one of the most life changing things that I’ve learned as a parent is that I get to choose how I feel about things, and that doesn’t always mean. I want to feel happy about it. Sometimes I want to be angry. Sometimes I want to be disappointed. Right. It’s not about choosing butterflies and rainbows all the time, but it gives me a sense of control because I can decide how I want to look at different situations.
[00:10:57.910] – Hilary Erickson
Yeah, I think that’s really true. And when I’ve listened to a life coach, I think that opened up the reality. I mean, as a derrist, especially, I knew that especially with pregnancy, some people are excited, some people are devastated. There’s a whole range of positive pregnancy tests that people feel. So the same goes for everything else in the world.
[00:11:16.740] – Susie Lindberg
Yeah, exactly. So your kid did something. Right. And maybe it’s something and that is going to trigger thoughts on you and just notice those thoughts. So you want to identify all those sentences that are going on in your mind, right? He shouldn’t have lied to me. I am raising a delinquent. I find that these come in like three different categories. Right. Something has gone wrong. But those are things like he should be more respectful, he should be more responsible. He should be able to do this already. Right. Like something has gone wrong. It usually starts with should. That’s the first type. The second type that usually makes you angry are catastrophizing thoughts. Things like he’s never going to get into the right College. He’ll never learn his lesson. He’s going to live in my basement till he’s 40. She’s going to get pregnant. Right. All of these kind of thoughts that make things bigger than they necessarily need to be, those really produce anger. And then the third type of thought really starts to combine shame. And with that anger and those thoughts sometimes are the most damaging. They are there’s something wrong with me. I’m the worst mother.
[00:12:20.450] – Susie Lindberg
I didn’t teach him well enough. I didn’t do my job. Right. Because then we feel that anger and we feel shame on top of it. And we cannot parent from anger and shame and do a very good job. So you want to kind of notice what is it that is really causing my anger? Let me take a look at that thought. Right. Pick out one. You’re going to probably identify ten or 20 thoughts. It doesn’t really matter which one you pick out. Just pick one of those out and take a look at it and question it. Right. You want to play with it in your mind. The first question that I love to ask myself when I feel angry and I identify some thought that’s making me feel angry, is it true? Is this even true? Kids lie, right? So is it really true that kids shouldn’t lie? Because they do. And that may feed into your value system? Right. I just want to believe kids shouldn’t lie. And that’s totally fine. But kids do lie and so just kind of questioning it. Is it true that because my child didn’t get into the College I wanted him to go to that he’s going to live in my basement.
[00:13:25.240] – Susie Lindberg
So he’s 40. Probably not. Right. We have all of these things we think are true that aren’t necessarily true. And when we can get rid of that anger a little bit and look at it objectively, we realize that maybe it’s not even true. Now let’s take something, a thought that you can’t get to know this isn’t even true. Right. Let’s go back to that sort of line. If you can’t get to a place where you think, no, I really think it is true. Kids shouldn’t lie. Totally fine. So the next thought I like to go to or the next question I like to go to is, is this useful? Is this helping me get to a place of parenting my child? So I’m thinking, my child is a liar. Is that helping me parent and teach my child the things I want to be teaching them? Probably not. So is it true? Is it useful? And then there are all kinds of other questions you can bring up. Is he going to learn something from this? What am I going to learn from this? One of my favorite thoughts, especially in instances where you have those shame thoughts coming up, like, I’m the worst mother is, in what way does this make me a good mother?
[00:14:31.540] – Susie Lindberg
Let me give you an example of that. So there was a client who was very upset because her teenage son had come to her and said, hey, mom, I’ve been looking at pornography. She was devastated and had all the thoughts going up. And when we really dug down into it, one of the thoughts that made her the angriest and had that shame, right. That layering emotion and shame on top of it, was I’m the worst mother? If I was a good mother, my son wouldn’t be looking at pornography. And so when we asked her, well, in what way does this make you a good mother? All of a sudden the floodgates opened up and she realized her son had come to her and told her that he was having this issue. So many teenage boys are going to look at pornography, and how many of them are going to come to their mother and want to talk about it with their mother? So where she had been making it mean, man, I’m a terrible mother. We were able to turn it around and make her realize, oh, my goodness, I’m actually a really great mother.
[00:15:39.370] – Susie Lindberg
In fact, I’m the perfect mother for my son in this moment, that’s powerful man.
[00:15:44.450] – Hilary Erickson
I wish I was that calm to think like that.
[00:15:48.510] – Susie Lindberg
Just to process the emotion first. Right. That’s why it’s so important to do that first step of just stopping, slowing down and letting yourself be angry because you can’t get to any of these other rational. This is all the stuff that I’m talking about now, this is all prefrontal cortex stuff, stuff that happens with that thinking part of your brain. And you can’t get there when you are in the anger. So you’ve got to step away. You’ve got to feel the anger and just let it be there. And then it’s after that’s processed that you can get to these healthier places. And then when you’re there, when you look at it objectively, when you turn it around and played with it, then you can go to your kid and you can teach. Right. I don’t know any child who after they’ve been yelled. In fact, I was talking about this with my husband the other night. I’m trying to remember what he was yelling about. Listen, we all yell. Almost all parents, maybe not all of us. Most of us yell on occasion. We all lose it. Sometimes it was something little. And yelling is probably an extreme word for it.
[00:16:45.950] – Susie Lindberg
But he was kind of getting on my kids, I think it was something like not putting their dishes in the dishwasher. It was something super simple. And we talked about how for 20 years, my oldest daughter is 22, we’ve been kind of yelling at our kids or at least nagging them to put the dishes in the dishwasher. Put the dishes in the dishwasher. Put the dishes in the dishwasher. It has not worked. Obviously, our kids still do not put their dishes in the dishwasher. Right. I still find myself doing it all the time. A better way is to make it a teaching moment. Right. Take a time. Not when the kids leave the dishes out. That’s not the time to do it, but it’s a different time when you’re not upset about it. When you’re not angry, when your kids are in a good mood, you can go and talk to them and be like, hey, let’s talk about putting the dishes in the dishwasher. Why do we do that? Why is that important? What are ways that I could help you or that you could remember that. Right. And you can have a teaching moment and a discussion about it from an objective place.
[00:17:41.740] – Hilary Erickson
Yeah. I think the key is when you’re all calmed down. Yeah.
[00:17:45.740] – Susie Lindberg
Right. And I think the really main key is if I had to go back to one other thing, it’s that everyone gets angry and it’s okay. Nothing has gone wrong. Your kid is okay. You are okay. It doesn’t make you a bad parent because if you layer on that shame and guilt that I shouldn’t be angry with my kids, it just makes you feel worse. And when you feel bad, you aren’t going to be doing your best parenting. It’s okay that you feel angry, process that anger, feel the anger, let yourself be angry and then go back and have that teaching moment.
[00:18:21.860] – Hilary Erickson
Yeah. So in the hospital, like when somebody dies or whatever or close to dies, we have something like a month later called morbidity and mortality, where we go through what happens so that we can try not to let it happen again. Obviously, not every time somebody dies, but an unexpected death or something that they’ve identified. So I always remind myself that we just need to have the M and M later on. And one of the things I like the most about the Eminem is that everyone in that room is valued the same. So even if the tech comes up, who’s just like the unit Secretary and has something valid to say, her opinion is valued just as much as the doctors, at least it should be.
[00:18:56.590] – Susie Lindberg
I love that.
[00:18:58.930] – Hilary Erickson
That’s right. I love that we’re all valued at the M and M. The same amount doesn’t matter, even though I should be valued more.
[00:19:10.190] – Susie Lindberg
Well, we always think that right. Our opinion maybe just gets like 125%. Maybe.
[00:19:15.370] – Hilary Erickson
Right. Well, because we own the room where the Eminem is happening.
[00:19:20.870] – Susie Lindberg
One strategy that I actually love to use. We have a family meeting every week. And as part of that family meeting, we do something called problem solving. And you’ve got to be really careful with this, because sometimes it can turn into complaining if you’re not careful. But it’s a great time to bring up these sorts of things in a really neutral space where, just like with your Eminem, everybody can give their two cent. Well, Mom, I have trouble putting the dishes in the dishwasher because of this. And everybody can help and problem solve as long as you’re doing it from a positive space of how can we help instead of blaming, shaming, being upset, those sorts of things, it’s a positive, cooperative problem solving situation. I love that. There are many other times you can do it. My dad used to trap us in the car when he wanted to have a teaching moment. He would say, Come get in the car, and he would drive me around for I don’t know how long you would just drive and drive and drive. That works, too, right? You’re going to have to find what works for your family.
[00:20:20.080] – Susie Lindberg
But finding those teaching moments when you can be calm, those are the money.
[00:20:25.080] – Hilary Erickson
Yes. I also think especially with teenagers, when you’re like ID, they know a punishment or consequence is happening and you delay it. I think you’ve just ten times that right. Because in their mind, they’re like, she’s not going to let me be in the musical. She’s going to take away the car, she’s going to rip my arms off. I don’t know what she’s going to do. She’s crazy.
[00:20:46.850] – Susie Lindberg
And then when you come up with what it really is.
[00:20:49.080] – Hilary Erickson
[00:20:49.450] – Susie Lindberg
They’re like, okay, softens the blow a little bit. They’re like, all right, I deserve that. It’s probably okay.
[00:20:54.600] – Hilary Erickson
Better than what I had in my mind.
[00:20:57.650] – Susie Lindberg
[00:20:58.100] – Hilary Erickson
I think that’s so important to be okay with being angry and realizing that all we tend to not see our friends, like, lose their minds with their kids. Although I sort of love it when I see you’re at the park and somebody’s kids Chuck and sand for the 10th time and every other Christmas kid and that mom just, like, loses her mind. I’m like, okay, good. I’m on par.
[00:21:20.210] – Susie Lindberg
We’re all in this together. Yeah, yeah. What you see on Instagram, what you usually see at the park, every once in a while, you do have a moment like that that you see your friends at their best. Usually everybody’s on their best behavior or kids are on not always, depending on their age. Once they get old enough to realize social consequences, they often are on their best behavior in front of other people. I’m telling you, I work with parents every single day. The parents that you think are perfect, that their family is this happy little family. Yeah, they’re a happy family. And they get mad at their kids and their kids do things wrong. Right. And just remember, the only thing your kids should be doing should be doing is making mistakes. Because your kid’s job is to learn. And one of the best ways to learn is to mess it all up, right? When we learn to play the piano, I can’t imagine going to a piano teacher who was like, you better not make any mistakes. Just you get it right the first time. Every time. Making mistakes is part of the process. Getting it wrong over and over and over again.
[00:22:30.620] – Susie Lindberg
And sometimes it can feel frustrating when your child is making the same mistake over and over and over, trust that it’s part of the process. It’s okay. It’s okay to feel frustrated about it, too, but also it’s okay. And don’t make it mean anything other than data gathering. I love this concept of data gathering. When my child is having trouble with something, I can get mad about it, or I can collect the data and say, okay, my kid is really having trouble with Matt. What do we need to do to help him? Right? That’s a totally different place from I can’t believe you didn’t study for your test. Why aren’t you going in for coaching? Right? There’s that place of anger, and we all go there sometimes. But when you can get to a place of data gathering. Okay, my child just lied to me for the 57th time about taking the cookies from the cookie jar. There’s clearly a lagging skill going on here. How do we address that? Right? There’s nothing wrong with your kids. It doesn’t matter if they’ve made the same mistake 50 times. There’s nothing wrong with them. They’re learning.
[00:23:31.460] – Susie Lindberg
So use it as data. Okay. This is clearly something we need to work a little more on. Maybe I can ask them a few more questions, drill in a little bit, like, what’s going on? What is causing this behavior?
[00:23:41.510] – Hilary Erickson
Yeah, I like that. I was just thinking like your kids kind of like under warranty in the beginning, especially once you have kids leave the house, you want the problems really while you’re there and can soften the blow and have a credit card and those kinds of things like when you get a new car, you’re kind of like, okay, let all the bad stuff happen in this first year so that I can just take it into the dealership and have them fix it when they’re responsible rather than and the same is when they leave you’re like, it’s probably good they’ve had an accident or dealt with insurance before they’re an adult so that they know how to deal with that later on. Those types of things.
[00:24:16.330] – Susie Lindberg
Exactly. Your job is to raise people who really start out literally knowing nothing and all the things that you take for granted. Well, of course. Right. Things that seem so logical. Of course you would do it this way. We really don’t know how to do it that way. And your job is to teach. And it’s okay to get frustrated with the teaching process sometimes. But just remember, nothing has gone wrong. That’s one of my favorite parts, too. Every time a kid does something that makes me super angry because it happens. And I can know all of this and still get super angry because I’m a human with a human brain, and I love to just tell myself nothing has gone wrong. This is happening exactly the way it’s supposed to be happening. And this is the path that they are choosing to learn, this lesson that they’ve got to learn. And yes, so much better that it happens when they’re with me and I can teach and when they’re on their own, when the States get bigger.
[00:25:07.770] – Hilary Erickson
Yeah. Or you’re on vacation, because that’s where I’m going to be when they’re.
[00:25:13.390] – Susie Lindberg
Oh, you lucky, lady.
[00:25:15.530] – Hilary Erickson
When they’re all grown, right?
[00:25:17.460] – Susie Lindberg
When they’re all grown. Yes. Well, constantly. I’ll be on one long vacation.
[00:25:22.910] – Hilary Erickson
Yeah. I deserve that. Okay. This is awesome. Hopefully people learn no matter what area you’re in your life. And even if you’re like with a newborn, it’s almost the same thing because you can get super angry with that baby that will not stop crying. So normal. And the same thing. You have to just walk away, put them in their safe place, go put the enemy on, go take a shower. If it’s really bad, crying means they’re alive.
[00:25:47.120] – Susie Lindberg
And you know, it’s so tight that it’s right. Because it is so accurate. You’ve got to put your own oxygen mask on first. You got to take care of yourself and get yourself in a place where you can parent from a healthy place. And with a newborn that’s crying all the time, same thing. That baby will be just fine. Nor crib. Right. Walk away, take care of yourself.
[00:26:09.040] – Hilary Erickson
Yeah. Maybe they’ll even go to sleep.
[00:26:11.110] – Susie Lindberg
Maybe they will. That actually happens a lot with a teenager.
[00:26:15.860] – Hilary Erickson
I can verify they will go to sleep if you leave them in the room long enough.
[00:26:19.380] – Susie Lindberg
Well, an older team yeah, mine for sure. I definitely have some sleepers in my family.
[00:26:24.890] – Hilary Erickson
All right. Thanks for coming on, Susie.
[00:26:26.750] – Susie Lindberg
Thanks, Hillary.
[00:26:28.100] – Hilary Erickson
Okay, guys, I hope you liked that episode again. Being angry is so normal and sometimes because I love to yell I’ll just yell I am so angry, right because that’s like saying something. It’s an if statement so I think it’s a little bit safer than you are so dumb which is what I really want to yell sometimes like if you want to yell because I think it’s important for our kids to know how we’re dealing with those types of emotions so I hope you guys enjoyed this episode. Susie does in fact have openings. You can check her out. I’ll leave all of her links in the show notes but if you look up Susie Lindberg on Instagram you can find her there. I think that’s the easiest place to find her and then you can find her website through there.
[00:27:03.520] – Hilary Erickson
Do not miss next week’s episode we are talking about testing with the ultrasound. Last week we talked about just like normal ultrasounds but this time we’re going to talk about what we look for and the week after that I’m talking about how I got my entire family to clean my house with me. I mean, goldmine, right?!
[00:27:19.270] – Hilary Erickson
Thanks so much for joining us on today’s episode. We know you have lots of options for your ears and we are glad that you chose us. We dropped episodes weekly and until next time we hope you have a tangle free day.
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