This week you’ll hear snippets from our favorite episodes and we’ll also share what we’ve learned from podcasting 99 episodes!
In this episode
We are sharing some of our favorite podcast episiodes:
Kitchen Organization:
Shaving During Pregnancy:
Parenting Through Stillbirth:
The Marathon of Parenting with Joan Kimmel:
Saying No in Labor:
Pornography Addiction in Teens:
Parenting Teens (with my son):
Getting Kids to Read:
Having a DPC doctor:
Can’t wait to give you guys a thousand more episodes!
Producer: Drew Erickson
Check out all my podcasts:
[00:00:00.090] – Hilary Erickson
Hey, guys, welcome back to the Pulling Curls Podcast. Today we are in season three, Pulling Curls Podcast is dropping on Tuesdays this season, just trying to mix it up a little bit. And today we’re sharing all the things that I’ve learned about podcasting along the way. We’re going to review some episodes, some of our favorite things, the things we’ve learned. Do you want to be a podcaster? I’ll even share a few tips about that.
[00:00:21.510] – Hilary Erickson
Let’s untangle it. Hi, I’m Hilary Erickson, the curly head behind the Pulling Curls Podcast where we untangle pregnancy, parenting, home and even travel. We know there’s no right answer for every family, but hopefully we can spark some ideas that will work for yours. Life’s tangled, just like my hair. OK, guys, before we jump into all of the goodies, you know, the reason we’re still around in season three is those reviews, so keep them coming.
[00:01:06.740] – Hilary Erickson
You know what would be a great birthday gift for this new season? A review. OK, I am joined here with my valuable producer. We’re going to go through some of our favorite episodes.
[00:01:16.640] – Hilary Erickson
Hey, Drew.
[00:01:17.810] – Drew Erickson
Howdy Howdy.
[00:01:18.260] – Hilary Erickson
And I’m just going to share why they were a favorite, what we liked about them. So this first one is kind of a funny one. Let’s play the clip.
[00:01:25.520] – Episode 40
Hey, guys, welcome back to the Pulling Curls Podcast.
[00:01:27.710] – Episode 40
Today on Episode 40, we’re talking about the happy ‘dural. Yeah, that’s what we used to call it at one of my hospitals. We’re talking all about the epidural. And I can’t wait to answer some of your most burning questions. Let’s untangle it.
[00:01:43.580] – Hilary Erickson
So that is episode 40. And yes, I love the happy ‘dural, but I mostly love that. I get to answer you guys the questions on the podcast where I can be really thorough.
[00:01:53.390] – Hilary Erickson
You can hear me. You can really understand the answers. People loved that episode. It’s one of our very most popular ones. So if you have questions about pain management and labor, it’s episode 40. You’re going to go back to season one. But tons of good information. I love answering you guys’s questions. OK, let’s play the next clip.
[00:02:09.650] – Episode 4
All right. That’s it for Kitchen organization. I hope you guys enjoyed today’s episode. I think the kitchen is a place that is really easy to get tangled up in.
[00:02:16.700] – Episode 4
Kids are in there. They mess up your systems. But if you can create systems that are easy for them to follow through with, you are going to thank yourself. You’re going to love some more Netflix on your couch.
[00:02:25.790] – Hilary Erickson
OK, and that one is I think it’s episode four, right, Drew?
[00:02:28.910] – Drew Erickson
Yes, that is Episode four.
[00:02:30.860] – Hilary Erickson
And it is our most popular episode, probably because I have a hugely popular kitchen organization post on my blog. But I love how I’m able to give tips to guys like Realistic Tips, because so often I see people acting like things are going to stay perfect if you only have the bins and the labels. But I understand that kids are not going to keep things perfect. So it’s been so fun to talk to you guys about how to organize and how to, like, manage your brain when your family maybe doesn’t keep it organized as much as you were hoping for.
[00:02:59.420] – Hilary Erickson
OK, this next episode is one of my most popular ones. In fact, I just put it on YouTube on the pregnancy nurse YouTube channel, and it totally blew up on there because everyone has these questions. Let’s listen to the clip.
[00:03:11.330] – Episode 31
Here is the final truth of shaving during pregnancy. And the question that everyone wonders, is my labor team going to be so grossed out by what’s down there? No, no, they will not. You have no idea all the different things that we have seen in the downtown. I literally do not care one whit what’s going on down there. I literally don’t care. But so many people think that I’m lying when I say that. But obviously I’d have to care. But nurses just look at everything so different. And I think it’s really fun to have a podcast that kind of gives you guys a peek of what happens at the nurses station or in the nurses brain on how we’re thinking about you and during labor.
[00:03:45.440] – Hilary Erickson
So I think that episode on shaving during pregnancy, that is episode thirty one from season one.
[00:03:50.810] – Hilary Erickson
So a lot of these are oldies but goodies. Anyway, check it out if you’re interested in like what we think of you while you’re in labor. But the reality is we mostly just want to help you and get the baby out. Drew, I bet that was a favorite episode of yours, too.
[00:04:02.990] – Drew Erickson
Well, it was it was interesting, to say the least. It’s just you never know which ones are going to be super popular. And it’s just funny that that one just really took off.
[00:04:11.630] – Hilary Erickson
Yeah. Those three that we just played clips from, they are some of the most popular episodes that we’ve had. Again, they’ve been around longer, so they’ve had more time to like pick up the listens. But yeah, those are our most popular ones. I mean, totally. I mean, epidurals and shaving are somewhat related, but not really. And Kitchen organization. Just throw that one in there, too.
[00:04:28.910] – Drew Erickson
Yeah, just kind of random.
[00:04:29.960] – Hilary Erickson
All right. The next few clips are my favorites from the show. This first one is from my friend Winter, who lost a baby. I think she was like thirty eight weeks. So let’s play her clip.
[00:04:39.860] – Episode 30
He tries really hard to emphasize that he loves Lucy and he loves Brennan. He loves both of them because it’s really I think it would be super easy for Lucy to think that, oh, Brandon’s better because we talk about him and we pray about him and all of these things all the time. And it would be hard to not feel like, oh, I’m not as wonderful or perfect as my brother that died, you know. So just trying to emphasize that you love your children and that they’re special in their own way. So because I think it’s really easy to put that child that passed away onto a pedestal. Right?
[00:05:10.130] – Hilary Erickson
Oh, I loved that episode. I think I just loved that episode. I think we can learn so many things from people who go through tragedy, all those different things.
[00:05:18.560] – Hilary Erickson
But she’s literally like dealing with sibling rivalry with a baby that isn’t there anymore. And I just thought that was so interesting and I think helpful. Winter has a whole podcast about stillbirth or if you guys are interested, it’s called Still a part of us. That one is episode thirty. If you guys are looking to take a listen to that episode, I think you would really enjoy it. Just learning about, like what helped her and how they coped, I think can help us all cope better through tragedies.
[00:05:42.500] – Hilary Erickson
I love that episode. Did you love it?
[00:05:44.120] – Drew Erickson
Yeah, it was really good. It was interesting how much emphasis she put in that particular clip on how much effort her husband puts into showing their older daughter that she is just as important as the baby that was stillborn, that she has just as much value to them as the baby because they talk about the stillbirth quite a bit, but they still go out of their way to make sure that she’s valued and still loved as well.
[00:06:11.020] – Hilary Erickson
Yeah, so good. And in a complete 180. My next favorite episode is with my friend Joan, who happens to have a fairly famous son. Let’s play that clip.
[00:06:19.690] – Episode 28
That’s the thing about kids. They’re dumb. They think you sound good. Yeah, that’s true. Not smart. So I just thought of another question. So if my daughter was in the spelling bee today and I needed some Xanax during it, I always do. We’ve had kids in the spelling bee before. So I was thinking of you. You have Jimmy like up on the stage of the Oscars. How’s that? Do you need a Xanax before that? No, I don’t ever take drugs, so it wouldn’t work. I don’t even know what Xanax does, but no. Do you get nervous though? Sometimes you get butterflies.
[00:06:50.500] – Hilary Erickson
I loved Joan’s episode, mostly because it’s called the Marathon of Parenting. It’s episode twenty eight, if you guys are looking to listen to it.
[00:06:58.450] – Hilary Erickson
But, you know, we’re all just moms and it doesn’t really matter. She goes on to say it doesn’t really matter which kids performing or what they’re doing or if it’s a grandkid that’s like in a tiny play, she still gets little butterflies and she doesn’t take drugs. I have never taken a Xanax either, just to clarify that. But, you know, we’re all just moms out there trying to support our kids and hope that they’re happy in the things that they’re doing.
[00:07:17.200] – Hilary Erickson
So I really enjoyed that episode. Like I said, it’s episode twenty eight. OK, next one. My friend Mandy came on to talk about saying no in labor and I love it when Mandy comes on any episode. We always have such a good time chatting. So let’s play the clip of that episode.
[00:07:31.690] – Episode 27
Unless you decide to get off that bus. Kind of right. Oh, I like that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So yeah, just because you’d like routinely for everybody does not mean that it’s the best decision for that individual, right. Yeah. Yeah. That’s a good way to put it because hospitals like they have to have policies and procedures to help keep people safe and help them take care of thousands and thousands of people. Right. And again, the vast majority who have no idea what they want and have done no research.
[00:08:02.500] – Hilary Erickson
OK, that’s episode twenty seven, saying no in labor. And this is one full truth that I want people to understand. Most people come into the hospital and literally have no idea what they want in labor.
[00:08:12.970] – Hilary Erickson
They are just waiting for us to do things. If we sat there and waited for people to tell us what they wanted to do, literally no one would have their baby because I would just be in a room with people just like blinking at me, like, I don’t know, what do we do next? So it’s really important to remember that we kind of have a bus that we generally drive on because a lot of people don’t know where they’re going.
[00:08:31.690] – Hilary Erickson
But if at any point in time you’re like, no, that’s not where I want the bus to go. You just pull the cord and you tell us where you want to go and then we drive that way. Right? Loved that episode. Love it when Mandy comes on. Yeah, that was a good one. OK, the next one in again, a complete 180 is about pornography, addictions in teens. So Drew, play that favorite episode.
[00:08:51.430] – Episode 77
It isn’t a question of if kids are running into pornography, it’s a question of what they do when they do. Most kids by the age of ten are already because all it takes is one kid on the school playground with the cell phone their parents gave them with no restrictions because the parents are not in the know or not keeping an eye on it. I hear story after story from from parents who have come to me and say, you know, my kid was at school today and there’s a big group of kids over on the corner, you know, on the far side of the playground. So he ran over to go see what was all about. And they’re all sitting around the phone watching porn. Like, that’s the kind of crazy stuff.
[00:09:23.980] – Hilary Erickson
OK … Didn’t love the content of that clip, but I did love the fact that it’s not a question of if your kids are going to see porn. It’s going to be when they’re seeing that, how often they’re seeing it and how it affects them. Drew, did you like our episode with Stephen?
[00:09:37.030] – Drew Erickson
We’ve had a couple of episodes with Stephen, and it’s been really insightful into how to navigate this thing that has basically become just so I don’t want to say normal, but so vested in our culture and our society. Yeah.
[00:09:51.790] – Hilary Erickson
So I really like that episode. That one is episode seventy seven, if you want to go listen. So it’s a little bit more recent. It is with my cousin who is actually a porn addiction therapist and had porn addiction himself as a teenager. So super interesting. And it kind of helped me change how I was just like kind of living in fear of pornography to helping my kids talk more about it and it just being part of our normal conversation at our house.
[00:10:14.950] – Hilary Erickson
So really good one there. This next one is my last favorite. We’ll have a couple of Drew’s favorites, but it’s a similar topic and it has to be one of my favorites, because of my son came on and he talked about how we dealt with the Internet while he was growing up and things he thought we failed at and things we thought we did OK with. So let’s play the clip from my son, Connor.
[00:10:35.320] – Episode 73
Even Spencer. I’ve seen making some some decent sized mistakes on Instagram, and I think it’s our job. Well, he’s living in my house to be like here. Some ways you could have handled that better. What do you think? Do you think that’s a better idea? I think I think the way you handled the Internet for me was more of a police and the way you seem to be handling the Internet for Spencer and Paige is like more of a teacher, and that’s probably the way I would do it. Yeah, you know, also I’m on the Internet, probably even more now than we were in high school. And so it’s hard to be like you guys can’t be on social media when I’m on social media all the time.
[00:11:08.730] – Hilary Erickson
Yup. That’s pretty much how our life goes. So that one is episode seventy three. It is an episode with my son Connor Erickson telling me all the mistakes that I made. But I had so many people say they really like that episode. Connor will be turning twenty one this summer, so he’s heading into adulthood and him just telling us kind of how to help our kids navigate technology.
[00:11:27.810] – Hilary Erickson
He is a computer science major and so he’s always been super into computers and gaming and all those kind of things, which was difficult as a parent. But as we can see, our kids growing up and getting jobs in these fields and that’s, you know, it’s just different. So I really like that episode. Any thoughts on our episode of Connor?
[00:11:43.590] – Drew Erickson
I liked that episode because it gave us an opportunity to kind of see our son as an adult and get some feedback from him. It was I’ll be honest, I was a little bit terrified of having him on there and see what he was going to throw out there while he was live on a mic. But he was really quite mature about it and a very positive discussion about the things that he has kind of wrestled with in terms of our relationship, things that he thought that we did well, things that I thought that he might be still upset about.
[00:12:12.690] – Drew Erickson
He wasn’t. It was just it was a real positive conversation to have with him about that particular aspect of his life.
[00:12:19.560] – Hilary Erickson
I thought it was really good. So that was a good one to listen to. If you’ve got teenagers coming up, we actually didn’t edit anything out that he said about us. We did edit out some things he said about other people and true story. He has still never listened to that episode. So raise your hand if you’re surprised.
[00:12:33.360] – Drew Erickson
I’m not surprised at all.
[00:12:35.040] – Hilary Erickson
All right. Now we’re going to go to a couple of Drew’s favorite episodes, intro those for us, Drew.
[00:12:39.330] – Drew Erickson
So I just chose these a couple of episodes, kind of give us a round ten. But I chose these particular episodes because…
[00:12:46.750] – Hilary Erickson
You love the number ten.
[00:12:47.460] – Drew Erickson
As do I. But I chose these episodes, mostly this first episode with Hilary’s cousin, Bryce. He’s a librarian. He’s talking about reading lists and getting teens to read. But I really liked this episode. And we’ll talk more about some of the reasons why I chose this episode after we hear it.
[00:13:03.260] – Episode 41
So… Sometimes I can’t tell your sarcasm meter. Are you serious that he’s super excited about it or is that sarcastic? No. One kid loves the summer reading assignment. My kids still love summer reading because they participate in the library summer reading program and one that’s required at high school honors English. So they have a summer book that they have to read and then put five thousand sticky notes in. Yeah. I mean, I get, I get, I get the theory behind it like oh we’re going to make sure the kids don’t love reading. And don’t forget the bit of reading over the summer to me. I would, I would much rather that teachers just be like find a book that’s age appropriate so don’t read like, you know, see spot run. Look, I’ve read a book, but find a book that’s at least somewhere in your age group or above and read it.
[00:13:46.770] – Drew Erickson
So I love that because we’ve had a number of issues. I have a sister that’s an English teacher and she’s and we forwarded the email from the district about what books our kids are supposed to be reading over the summer and kind of the list of things that they have to choose from. It’s been an interesting discussion, but I just sometimes feel like there’s not really any thought to whether these kids are going to enjoy the reading.
[00:14:07.380] – Drew Erickson
And it just kind of feels like more of punishment material rather than actual teaching a love of reading. And that’s I’ve always loved reading, so I love coming from a library and about trying to help kids and help people in general. He goes on and talks about if you’re going to expect your children to read, you have to set a good example as parents and read and then actually talk with them about the books, not because you’re trying to interrogate them, whether they did their homework, but to actually have a conversation about the material that they’re reading and what they’re getting out of.
[00:14:36.060] – Hilary Erickson
It is the reason I love that episode now is we were talking about. So the teacher made Spencer read one about like not getting overwhelmed in high school. And then now that that’s this year is over, basically she just decided to overwhelm the bejesus out of those kids all year long. So especially find that amusing because it was a rough year of English.
[00:14:55.800] – Drew Erickson
Yeah, that’s for sure. That’s for sure. But that’s that’s a topic of discussion for another podcast entirely.
[00:15:03.480] – Hilary Erickson
And one we won’t record. Huzzah to all the teachers out there. Yeah, OK, final favorite. Let’s play that one.
[00:15:10.260] – Episode 86
I think if a doctor honestly is not looking things up a lot, then it should be concerning to a patient. I’m totally open with my patients. Hey, you know what? Let me get back to you on that. I’m going to research what’s the best current evidence. And because ultimately, being a doctor or any health care professional, it’s a lifelong learning process. If you’re never if you ever stop learning, then that’s a bad thing, because they always taught us in medical school variations on this quote. But a third of what we teach you in medical school is wrong. The problem is we don’t know which third it is. And…
[00:15:43.800] – Drew Erickson
So I love that particular clip. I love that episode of Talking with our doctor, Dr. Shumway, and having that conversation about lifelong learning. As a teacher myself, when I was when I was teaching in California, that was one of our lifelong learning goals for the school was to be have our students become lifelong learners, not just the stuff that we taught in the classroom, but of things that they are interested in and continue to be interested in throughout their lives.
[00:16:10.960] – Drew Erickson
I still talk to a great number of my students on Facebook, and I just talked to one the other night that tell me about lessons that I taught that they are still learning from and that they share things with me, that they are learning now that that are applicable to things that I taught them in the classroom. So I really love that in the context of being a doctor, that professionals in general should be constantly seeking to learn more and to be aware of what the next or what the best practices of the current research are.
[00:16:39.130] – Drew Erickson
And that if you, as a patient, are going to your doctor and you see that they’re not doing research, they’re just kind of going with a standard that they’ve done for the last 20 years or whatever and not really thinking about what’s current and what’s current best practice, then that should raise some red flags to you. I think that was a very open conversation with him about that particular topic. And I just love the lifelong learning aspect of it as well.
[00:17:02.590] – Hilary Erickson
Well, it usually when you’re a good learner, you’re a good teacher, which is mostly what you want in a physician, even though many don’t see their job that way.
[00:17:10.750] – Drew Erickson
Absolutely. And in this whole podcasting thing, we talk about things that we’ve learned during podcasting for us, for me in particular, this this journey down podcasting has been a learning process for me as well. So to be able to implement that practice into into this aspect of my business and personal life has been very rewarding. Yeah.
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[00:17:31.520] – Hilary Erickson
So podcasting, we’ve been doing it now, this is starting our third year and I decided to become a podcaster while I was at a conference for my ad agency. They just brought it up and I thought, you know, if I podcasted, I wouldn’t have to make up on while I did it, which is really the reason that I went with podcasting. Also, Drew has a lot of skills in the audio area, so that made it an easy win that he would be able to take over a lot of the work related to it.
[00:17:55.690] – Hilary Erickson
But so many people say, oh, I think I’m going to start a podcast to sell my T-shirts, get more acclaim, get more blog views. Sell courses. And I’m like, that is awesome. Podcasting is great, but it is a slow boat. It’s not as fast. I mean, I started Tik Tok last summer and it blew up. And I have tons of followers and tons of engagement. podcasting’s just not like that.
[00:18:18.070] – Hilary Erickson
At least it hasn’t been for me. Maybe I’ve totally done it wrong, which would be fine too, because I really enjoy what we’ve done. I’ve taken the choice to bring up people that I really like and respect is maybe somewhat more than like just the people who have popular podcasts that I think will enhance my podcasts, although you’ll probably start to see more of those as we head into season three. But I think you got to do podcasting because you really enjoy it.
[00:18:42.040] – Hilary Erickson
I love like I said, I love answering you guys’s questions. I love having interesting guests like Winter and our Doctor and Bryce and- and my son. That was really insightful, maybe even just my more my own life than maybe to the rest of you. But that’s what I love about podcasting. I love connecting with readers and listeners and all those different things, and it’s just a different way to do it. What do you love about podcasting, Drew?
[00:19:05.350] – Drew Erickson
I love having the aspect of hearing lots of different points of view, mostly about topics that clearly we’re interested in that are part of our business, the prenatal stuff having to do with having a baby or raising a family. Those things are certainly interesting, organizing your home and getting positive feedback. I love hearing feedback from or reviews from those listeners who have really gained something from it and feel that they want to share with not just with us, but with other people as well.
[00:19:34.540] – Drew Erickson
That’s that’s been awesome to read some of those reviews.
[00:19:37.180] – Hilary Erickson
Yeah. So if you’re listening, if you made it all the way to the end of this podcast, head on over to Apple and just drop a review as a birthday gift for us, it really means a lot. It really helps our podcast be seen by more people. As I’m clicking through the top podcast, they all have tons and tons of reviews, so I could really use a few more. Let’s get this podcast train going faster so that more people can listen and hear the information that we’re giving otherwise.
[00:20:00.220] – Hilary Erickson
Thank you so much for listening and for sticking with us for two whole years. We can’t wait to bring you two hundred more, OK? Not two hundred more years. Well, we’ll bring you another season. Who knows how long podcasting lasts? But, I hope it lasts a while.
[00:20:14.350] – Hilary Erickson
Thanks so much for joining us on today’s episode. We know you have lots of options for your ears and we are glad that you chose us. We drop episodes weekly and until next time, we hope you have a tangle every day.
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