I just feel like I’m on a pendulum right now. One moment I think we’ll end-up staying, the next I’m sure we won’t, and in between I am in the low point of possible unemployment for Drew.
My ❤️ hotels for your 2024 trip:
– Best Western Park Place — it’s the CLOSEST hotel, has a breakfast and if it’s available for your dates, BOOK IT. If not, check out the Tropicana.
– Cambria – this is my favorite one with a great price point for larger groups – has a water park and free breakfast (not walkable though) – but if you want a walkable suite check out Castle Inn
But this afternoon, and many times, I have to come to the conclusion that we will be fine with all of those. I mean the last one (unemployment) would be darn ugly… but I have a “career”… we can always find me a job, right? I wouldn’t love it, but it would tide us over.
Can anyone imagine me working nights? Neither can I.
I guess that a lot of this revolves around the state stepping around taking more money from our district, even though we basically only get funds from property tax. Who said the state could take my property tax? I hate that. So, who knows if it’s just caught in a political maelstrom or if this is for real. I hate politics. Have I mentioned that.
BUT, back to wallowing. I think it’s so hard to just sit around and worry. At least for me. I can also spend about my entire day goggling for jobs for him. I can worry, worry worry… I could probably be a worrying champion. I just have SUCH a hard time stepping back and realizing that worrying does nothing. Nada. nope, zilch. NOTHING.
I also have a hard time not feeling bitter towards people who are causing this. In reality it’s no “person’s” fault… it’s the perfect storm of educational mess.
This morning I was reading about Peter (was it Peter?) walking on the water with Jesus… and then the storms come and he starts to sink and Jesus says “oh ye of little faith, why did you doubt”… and WHY am I doubting. The Erickson family has walked on water SO many times. Sometimes we don’t really realize it until we’re in a new boat, or whatever… but we are consistently carried by our faith.
So, my mission statement for the next couple of months is: Do what we can, and let God do the rest. And by “doing what we can” I do NOT mean worrying or wallowing. I do mean networking and looking on job sites. I’d still give us a 50/50 chance to stay here. BUT, I’d love to find something new. I do feel like there is something just waiting for us to find it.
Thank goodness the Internet has made that easier. And thank Goodness, I know we can walk on water. Storms or no storms.
P.S. The absolute rainbow in this situation is knowing how many people love us and are willing to help us network. There are perks to having all of my friends move to new corners of the USA. 🙂 I love you all {blowing you kisses}
Lara says
You rock. I love the thought about walking on water. We really can, and you can, and you will.
I talked to Joel today and he told me that three of the band directors in our area got pink slips (these are for some of the smaller schools, not my district) too. 🙁 Sad. Also, the band director at the university is not tenure track and he received a termination notice today. Which means….Joel will be doing band. 😛 It’s just all so sad.
Flying Princess says
Thanks. I needed that. I’ve got to focus on the walking in faith (a little Janice Capp Perry anyone?) more often rather than the tempests.
Although I’m loving the thunder snow storm going on out my window right now.
And if worst comes to worst, my basement will be available after May 1st if you need it.
Laural says
Life really stinks sometimes. I really hope that things work out for you guys and quickly so that you don’t have to worry (because we all know that you still will) for too long. Prayers.
Kara says
It is so hard to be in limbo and the not knowing part is the hardest. You are in my prayers.
Jen says
This whole situation *sucks* right now. Music is soo important, and I know Drew is so awesome at his job. I also am not a fan of the government’s decision to take from us. We are wondering what will be left to cut if it is the possibly 23 million scenario. There will be big time furlough days….beyond that, I think we will literally just have whatever is in our classrooms now and ourselves. No fresh consumable supplies for the new students (construction paper, copy paper for printing things out, pencils, etc.).
I’d like to know how every other business, state-run or not, is being affected in CA. Why is education taking the big hit?