I think it’s safe to say we all want a clean house. You may be dreaming of having a maid service or house cleaning service to tackle the chores you don’t want to do but is it really a good idea?
Hiring a housekeeping service is a big step — and one I’ve certainly considered — today I’m going to tell you why I choose NOT to have professional cleaners.

Confession: Life is busy. My life is busy and I would guess yours is too. Between work, school, and kids, sometimes my dream of a clean home falls to the bottom of the pile.
With my kids often that pile is pretty dirty.
Sometimes I look at their bathroom and sigh a tired sigh and walk away.
I’ve certainly asked myself if professional housekeepers might be the right choice. I think it’s something a lot of us consider at different times.
Hiring professional house cleaners would be awesome in a lot of ways.
Today I’m going to talk about my four main reasons for not having a maid or house keeper.
Before we get too deep into this, a BIG part of my reason WAS my kids, and I really felt like I could help them learn how to clean, while also making it easier on myself… I found that I was able to do that, and I compiled all my best tips into Family Routines. If that sounds like the route you’d like to go, I’d recommend it!
Ok, onto WHY we don’t have a cleaner:
Why not hire a cleaning service?
While I know there are a lot of reasons for hiring cleaning professionals I am going to talk about the reasons I have chosen, for now, not to.
#1 What would professional housecleaners do?
The reality is, about 80% of my “cleaning” time is used putting stuff away and organizing. This is not something cleaning people do. Unless your cleaning person is living in your home or part of your every day life they likely don’t know where all the little things go.
I don’t know about you but having things put away incorrectly would actually add time to other tasks if I had to go looking for them.
Personally, I use my 10-minute tidy to stay on top of this with a small time commitment!
#2 What am I teaching my kids?
There is zero chance my children are going to have cleaning ladies in college, or for the vast majority of their early adult life. If I hired a maid now, is that what are they going to think life is like?
I need to teach my kids how to deep clean NOW. I wanted to be that example that we could make it work with what we have.
THEY ARE MY MAID. Or, they should be. Especially for their own spaces. Kids need to learn how to clean.
I will say that getting my kids to help out more was work by myself and by my husband, but it’s paid off by them having some life skills and also us not having that added expense. I don’t want you to think it magically happened — but I do have my best tips in here.
Honestly, this one’s a big deal to me. Learning to clean and organize as they grow are the best ways to make sure when children leave our home they have the knowledge they need to clean their own living spaces when they’re grown.
Hard work isn’t a punishment, especially when most of the messes are their own. At the end of the day kids can do a great job, they just need to be taught how.
I think there can be real joy in seeing a job well done — sometimes I even love cleaning.
#3 You clean before the maid comes
A lot of my friends have maids, and I think it’s funny that many of them end up cleaning every single time before the maid comes. Maybe they’re talking about just tidying up so they can vacuum or whatnot — but HONESTLY, a lot of what they’re doing to prepare for the cleaning companies is what cleaning is.
The actual CLEANING part isn’t too much.
#4 How much time would a maid really save me?
When I use my cleaning schedule, I spend MAYBE 30 minutes max per day cleaning. Most days, a lot less.
I know plenty of people (especially bloggers) who feel like they “can make a lot more money in that cleaning time” and hire a cleaning lady. Personally, I haven’t seen that. Between the hourly rate, the time spent finding a good house cleaner, meeting to discuss what you want with new cleaners, etc that is a lot of money and time.
For me, one of the best parts of cleaning is the solitude time. It gives me time to think about the changes I want to make in my life or with my kids. Time to think if I really need everything sitting on my kitchen counters or if the rocking chair works best in the master bedroom or if it would be better in the family room.
I’ve found this to be a great time to think about individual family members and their needs and to come up with blog ideas!
It’s mindless, quiet work and often allows your mind to wander to other things you’d like to improve or you can listen to podcasts or audiobooks. These make listening while cleaning a LOT easier!
Final Thoughts on Hiring a Cleaning Professional
Anyway — these are the reasons I have for not choosing to have a house cleaner at this time.
Honestly, once it’s just my husband and myself I may hire one. It would be really nice to have someone else clean toilets and my kitchen floor. I won’t have kids to teach or do the dirty work. But, honestly – with just him and I… maybe I won’t need one anyway. 🙂
I am in no way judging someone who DOES have a maid I don’t know every circumstance in people’s lives. The bottom line is this is your choice to make. I’m just sharing my feelings and if you’re considering it — I think you should really consider WHY you want one. You may actually need more help with organizing and decluttering than the actual cleaning.
Think about what it will REALLY do for you and then, by all means — get one if you feel it’s worth it. 🙂
Thinking you’d like to make cleaning easier and more of a family affair — check out Family Routines. We do a Saturday clean which has been a game changer, and it’s all outlined in that book (and only takes about 20 minutes).
Natalie says
I wish I liked cleaning. Maybe I can work on liking it and then I won’t wish for someone else to do it. ☺️
Hilary Erickson says
Oh man, so true. KIDS — have the KIDS DO IT!!!! 🙂
Katt says
I clicked on this pin determined to not agree with you about the maid. Then you sold me by point number 2. I like to listen to an audio book on my wireless headphones while I clean (I never have time to sit down and read) It makes the cleaning fly by! Thank you for changing my mind about hiring a housekeeper!
Hilary Erickson says
Hahah — I’m so glad!
Heather says
Yes! I’m a house cleaner and always listen to podcasts or radio interviews. I couldn’t do the job without my MP3. People are often home these days when I’m in their homes, so I feel I’m also giving them some privacy when they’re on the phone or having family conversations.
Pulling Curls says
That’s a great tip about offering privacy. Thanks for sharing!
MaryAnne says
I still think Rosie from the Jetsons would be great
Hilary Erickson says
Oooo, boy howdy would she!
Christine says
We have just gotten to the point that we have been able to function without our housekeeper. Three weeks and going strong! Because we are finally to the point that the kids can be of significant help. We have three littles and one teen (not yet driving) still at home. Our little girl is 6 and her twin brothers are four. My husband travels Monday through Friday most weeks and likes to come home to a tidy home. I just couldn’t accomplish this for several years. We had a fantastic housekeeper who Kept me sane. It was not her job to clean my teens room or pick up toys though. So in the interest of marital harmony, it was necessary for a season. I would encourage anyone with very small children to do the same if they can! Then when they get just a little bigger, kids for sure NEED to learn how to participate in making the household run.
Hilary Erickson says
Yeah, I would agree with tiny babies you’re just keeping your head above wate.r Good point!
Sherri says
I couldn’t agreer more! I always think to myself that if I hire someone to clean for me then how will my kids know how to clean and learn about responsibilities?! My parents made us clean every single Saturday and I hated it at the time but later on realized I learned so much from it!
Hilary Erickson says
yup, yup!
Chris says
I agree 100% and I’m a house cleaner! An organized house always looks cleaner and most things you can keep up with on your own if you choose to. One tip for a bathroom, always keep the mirror clean, it’ll make a huge difference!
Hilary Erickson says
Clean mirrors do make a huge difference!
Heather says
The fashion of building bathrooms with enormous mirrors and low down close to taps causes the glass to have constant splash marks. Keep mirrors away from taps! And unless you’re hot looking when naked, who wants their full naked reflection looking back at them everyday LOL !?
Hilary Erickson says
Oh man, I agree with this!
Felicia says
Ha!! This could have been written word for word by little ole me 20 years ago…. when I thought I was oh so smart… raising 4 kiddos as a stay at home mom… but that was then. I’ve gained a little experience and wisdom which is always good. I now work a hard long work week at a full time job… not at my home as much which means the dust piles up and the floors get grungy and that once a month cleaning from the wonderful elf makes it the one day a month I so look forward to going home. Rest. Relax. Sit in my porch and drink some coffee… it’s clean! Again, lesson I had to learn from experience.
Hilary Erickson says
Yeah, as I said — i’m sure we’ll get one when there aren’t kids to teach. 🙂
Randi Krantz says
I’ve had help for many years. Mainly for the “heavy cleaning “ like washing all the floors,cleaning the tile in the bathroom,etc. Here are some negatives. Breakage. Vacuum cleaners. Decorative items. And often they won’t tell you until you discover it. And, none of mine do windows or notice things like overhead light fixtures,fuzzy floor and bathroom vents. My electrician says many fires are caused by clogged bathroom vents.
Since the kids moved out,I tried to talk my husband (retired) that we could save the money and do it ourselves. He didn’t want to. Our house is very tidy and instead of adding other cleaning projects,she leaves in 11/2 hours..
Hilary Erickson says
ugh. Well, here’s some other reasons! Does she charge you less if she leaves early?
L Farris says
Thank you for sharing your reasons! We have cleaning people. Our house is too big for one person to clean in one day (3000 sqft). The house would never be entirely clean. I also found that when my kids would spill or make a mess, I was less upset since I was not the one who spent hours cleaning. It has saved my sanity! My children are now in middle school, so they are required to change their sheets, dust and vacuum their rooms. I spent a day teaching them how to clean. Now it’s their turn to take care of their space. I need to turn their bathroom over to them soon.
Hilary Erickson says
I can see a maid being awesome! I am glad you enjoy yours!
Jessie says
The ads killed me while trying to read this. Regardless. If I were given solitude to clean (SAHM of autistic 5 yo and also a 1 yo) I’d clean all day long, all year long! Basically, I chase, organize, tidy, and repeat. All day long.
Throw in laundry, cooking, yardwork.
When do the floors get scrubbed? When do the blinds get dusted? That middle agitator in the washing machine…who scrubs that?
Not my husband, I can assure you.
Who washes windows, takes a toothbrush to that hard to reach place below the veggie drawer in the fridge?
Who dusts above the kitchen cabinets and wipes down walls
Baseboards, ceiling fans, window sills, ductwork, etc. List goes on and on.
I love that you can overlook those things, but I’m telling you reason #1 why we don’t pay for a maid. MONEY. You bet your butt if I could afford it, my house would be clean. Down to that last carpet fiber that was thrown up on during the god awful stomach virus of 2018.
We’re all different. I suppose as long as my children live in my home, it will always feel ‘dirty’ to me. 🤣
Hilary Erickson says
Yeah, I do think kids have a certain cloud of filth around them — and I did say when my kids are gone we will likely get a maid. 🙂
Lan says
As an empty nester that raised 3 kids and owned a business that kept me working 50+ hours a week, I always had a cleaning service. They did the chores I didn’t like, dusted, vacuumed, cleaned the bathrooms and washed the floors. I was still able to instill a work ethic in my children, teach them to clean and have the help the help I needed so my weekends weren’t devoted to cleaning. The kids all had chores, setting the table, emptying the dishwasher, sweeping the kitchen floor, things that had to be done nightly. Along with keeping their own rooms picked up, so when the cleaning lady came bi-weekly they could vacuum and dust the bedrooms. My agreement with the cleaning people was always, if the kids rooms were to messy for them to get into, don’t. Then the kids had to dust and vacuum themselves. There are plenty of teaching opportunities in between cleanings for the kids. My rule was the downstairs and common areas were to be clean at all times. The family room and kitchen were tidied daily, once the kids were old enough to participate, any toys left over night in the family room were confiscated, and had to earned back by doing a chore. Not only they did they learn to tidy, but they learned every action has a consequence. The cleaning people were for my sanity. It is impossible for me to relax if amidst clutter and dirt. I always looked forward to coming home to a 100% clean house. Now that the kids are grown, I still work full time, The cleaning service allows me to spend my free time as I choose. I only have about 1/2 the house cleaned bi-weekly, the downstairs, which includes the master bedroom, and the upstairs bathroom, hallway and a home office. the 3 unoccupied kids rooms are not regularly cleaned, which reduces my cost for the service. Some might consider it a luxury, for me it’s a necessity, one I deserve!
Hilary Erickson says
If you love it — I LOVE it! I just get caught up as a business owner thinking I NEED ONE, but I decided not to. Which is fine — just like yours is fine. 🙂 I look forward to 8 years when my youngest moves out and I get one. Hahahhahahah
Connie says
I used to love to clean, still do. However, I am now 72 and have health issues. So my hubby insisted I get a cleaning lady. She comes every two weeks and does a good job. I still sneak the vacuum cleaner out, when my hubby isn’t home. Cat hair.
Hilary Erickson says
Hahha, I’m glad you found someone you like!
Betty b says
Y leaning people for the most part charge 150.00 an hour, some steal. One went into my refrigerator and took5 pounds of pecans, took an heirloom quilt and many other things. I must clean myself because I have not found one trustworthy. I live in a resort town and it is very difficult to find anyone decent as I moved to my summer home when my husband died, so I do it myself and am a senior citizen.
Hilary Erickson says
Yeah, that could certainly be a problem as well!
Elizabeth says
I am a housekeeper for 36years and I totally agree with you, specially if one of the parents are a stay At home mom or dad. I think the idea that the “ moms” who are home are some kind of victims who don’t get any help from the husbands, after being doing chores and dialing with the kids all day miss the point entirely
. I believe it is a terrible misrepresentation of the men, who are out all day working hard, dealing with bosses, deadlines, mental and physical stress trying to hold on to their jobs to keep their family safe and financially secure., that they are uncooperative and demanding. What people who victimize women think? that men are out there in the world eating bombons or playing golf with their buddies? They get home stressed, tired and, yes, totally expecting that the wife would have put as many hours working in the house as he has after leaving the home in the morning. On the weekends, as they are both home, I totally agree that they should do the weekend chores together (not laundry and leftover chores from the week) and spend as much quality time with the children as possible as a couple. I work with two families that are totally the opposite, specially the moms. Both moms are stay at home moms with two kids. One has a 4 bedroom apt and the other a 2 bedroom apt. The one with the larger apt keeps her house totally organized as if she had a daily housekeeper, she takes the kids to school and picks them up, has her Pilate classes, grocery shops, etc, etc. on the other hand, the mom with the 2 bedrooms, does all the same but her apt is a total mess, the laundry pilling up, etc. And no, she is not a depressive person, just super disorganized. So I don’t get it. And (again) I am no, my house is not perfect, it’s somewhere in between those two apts.
Hilary Erickson says
I think we all probably need to be more forgiving of each other as spouses. Just hard when you’re in the trenches, right? 🙂 Hahahhah No one needs that advice more than me!
Liz says
“The actual CLEANING part isn’t too much.” are you serious?
Scrubbing moldy tiles and grout, and sealant, having to squat and bend to reach every corner of scummy showerdoors, wiping cat hair from EVERY f*ing surface in the place, scrubbing, scrapping then cleaning grease and hardened, stuck dried goo off stove top without actually damaging the paint/glass/steel, vacuuming crumbs from underneath sofa cushions then vacuuming everything else, mopping tea/coffee/muck from hard floors….
Yes it is a TON of work and if whoever says it’s not is because they are not doing it.
Hilary Erickson says
I guess I have to say that keeping UP with it isn’t too bad, but you are right — the initial clean can be hard…. Believe me, I’m doing it.
Tammie McIntire says
I really enjoyed reading your blog post about not having a cleaning lady. It’s refreshing to hear a perspective that values self-sufficiency and the satisfaction of doing things on your own. I also appreciate your advice on staying organized and breaking cleaning tasks into manageable chunks. Personally, I do have a dedicated carpet cleaning company that comes to deep clean my carpets every 6 months. But I still find your tips and insights helpful for keeping up with day-to-day cleaning tasks. Thank you for sharing your perspective!
Pulling Curls says
I’m so glad you found it helpful 🙂
Sage says
I agree with so much of what you shared! I’ve decided that it’s not worth it for me to have a professional cleaner come every week. However, I do hire carpet cleaners once a year to deep clean my carpets. I’ve noticed a huge difference in the cleanliness of my home, and I think that’s totally worth it.