Kitchen cabinets are VITAL to keeping our lives going. We want to be able to quickly grab dishes, utensils and items we need to feed our families, and then be able to quickly put them away when we’re done with them. We all know that EVERY kitchen cabinet is a storage cabinet, so it’s important we treat it that way (instead of just decoration) — so, let’s get started!
I wanted to share some of the EASIEST tips you can use in your kitchen. They’re things I have used for YEARS in my own kitchen, and I think you’re going to find them super helpful.
Bytheway, these are “hacks” for very NORMAL kitchens. We’re not talking re-designing your kitchen or a fancy new one. These should work in most kitchen spaces.
Ok, onto the tips!
Mail Sorters
One of my FAVORITE ways to organize is to use the vertical space. So often we store things horizontally (think stacking your cookie sheets under your oven). In some places (especially drawers) that is likely your best option.
However, in cabinets using the vertical space will save you a LOT.
It’s super easy for stuff to just fall in cabinets (so it’s all more diagonal rather than vertical) — so, using a mail sorter to store things like:
- Cutting boards
- Cookie Sheets
- Baking Pans
Now, I SAY a mail sorter — and you can easily use one that you’d pick up at a garage sale, Goodwill or a big box store. However, they have ones that are made for cabinets:
- Loved the price on this one
- I liked how tall these are and can be customized for each cabinet
- This one looks a bit more custom and fancy if that’s your style.
- I like how this one is adjustable (allows you to change things up if needed.
Any time you can store things more like a BOOKSHELF rather than stacked it is easier to get them in and out and find what you’re looking for. You’ll find you start to use it more and more in your house once you get your brain turned around to it a bit.
The other news is that you don’t actually NEED a sorter to make this happen in your kitchen. We have a really strange cabinet that is quite deep but doesn’t have much height so we just store ours in there like library books, and every now and then I go in and re-organize them, get them more upright — but honestly, after looking at the options I think I should get one those to make it easier!
We actually have some collapsible colanders we store in that area as well. It’s nice that they don’t take up as much space as a full colander. Since the cutting boards don’t take up much room vertical we can put more things in that cupboard like that. We have both that large one, and a small one in there.
Looking for other great ways to organize your kitchen?
- 3 Kitchen Sink Hacks You Need
- Zoning Your Kitchen — Episode 154
- How to Clean Your Kitchen: Cleaning in Circles
- Organize Your Kitchen: Genius ideas for your most-used room
- Kitchen Organization Hacks: Organized storage for small kitchens & cupboards!
Bins in Upper Cabinets
Guys I’m not a winner in the race on height. I’m not tall, but I love to use EVERY ounce of cabinet space possible.
Yes, this means having a step stool (so important if you want to use those upper cabinets). I love that one because it folds so small.
BUT, if I want to put FOOD in cabinets I need to put it in bins. I can really only easily reach the first few inches of a shelf — so, using bins has made that a LOT better.
You do need to be sure it’s not something super heavy. For us, I store some baking goods like chocolate chips up on the top of our cabinet. It keeps kids out of it, and it’s easy to pull out and put away.
There are lots of great and pretty bins online, but I’d encourage you to first measure your space, and then go to some local stores to see what feels the best for you. Remember, it may be awkward to pull them down, so one with a handle be REALLY helpful in this instance.
I have a whole podcast episode on where I like to buy organizing supplies that you might find helpful. We actually got ours at the dollar store.
Be sure NOT to over-fill those upper shelves. You do NOT need stuff falling out on you as you’re getting your items. Remember, decluttering is also key to making sure you can get to the things you most often need (and doing it safely). This is the nurse in me talking. 🙂
Want more tips on organizing supplies — check out these posts:
- How to Start Organizing a Messy House
- Small Laundry Room Organization Ideas
- Best Pantry Inventory Spreadsheet: Track your groceries
- School Locker Organization: Ideas for High or Middle Schoolers
- 3 Kitchen Sink Hacks You Need
Plate Stackers
Once again — when we stack stuff, it makes it hard to get the items we need.
For a LONG time I just had my bowls on top of plates because I didn’t know there was another way (or thought it would be too expensive). We have a VERY small cabinet that I have:
- Plates (of all sizes)
- Bowls (both cereal and condiment-type)
- Cups
- Mugs
And that is ONLY possible by buying some plate stackers. Mine look exactly like those — and on the smaller dishes I store a couple of things on that shelf (like condiment bowls).
Some of you may be thinking — I can do that WITHOUT the stackers — just stack them. But I have to say that it is SO much easier to both get out and put away dishes this way. SO. MUCH. EASIER.
If, right now — you’re thinking, this does seem easier. I wish I could get some ideas like this for my whole house?
I, personally, feel SO overwhelmed when I see organizing on social media, or on TV because it seems like SO much (and SO expensive).
But, I have a solution for you!
The Organized Home is going to help you get bite-sized solutions to your big problems just like your kitchen cabinets. This might be your fix if you:
- Feel like you need hours of notice before guests come because it seems to take forever just to make your house feel presentable!
- You’re living in fear that you’ve misplaced something important, like a document, your keys, or even a library book (hate that feeling).
- You’ve wondered why other people seem to have so much free time, when you seem to be always organizing?
If you’d like a smart friend helping you organize your life — join The Organized Home. You can even save 10% with coupon code PC10.
Don’t worry though, I still have a couple more cabinet tips…
Pan Stackers
Ok, these have been a game changer. I actually highlighted these as saving my most annoying corner cabinet. They can also keep your pans good longer (especially non-stick). A very worthwhile investment.
I have something like this.
I thought this one was nice for bigger spaces.
AND, if your cupboard allows you to do vertical storage, something like this would be really nice.
It keeps your pans from scratching each other up too — and that can be an expensive fix.
It is really important to find something that fits your space. Looking at different options, measuring your own cabinet (do NOT try to eyeball it) and taking a bit of time to think abot your best option is smart!
Spice Drawers
It would be a nice place if we all had a giant drawer to store all our spices in, but I sure don’t.
I have to find something that works in MY house.
The first thing I did was to really focus on what I used a fair amount of the time.
Many of us have spices and spice blends we don’t use frequently. I would recommend storing those elsewhere (less handy) or tossing them if they’re old (I’m BAD at keeping spices well past their expiration date, maybe you are too).
Then, look at the sizes of the bottles. I am NOT a fan of the “switching them all to matching jars” idea, but if you have one that just can’t fit — it might be worth it to buy container that it CAN fit in your designated spot.
And then just figure out where would be the most convenient (ours is close to the stove, but not TOO close as I heard the heat can hurt them).
For me, I then went to The Container Store. I try not to go there, because it all seems like a nice idea, but it just doesn’t fit our budget for larger projects. However, those types of stores can be nice for a specific issue that you can’t figure out without some help.
I ended-up with something like this although ours was from the bath isle because I needed it to fit in a pretty short cabinet (and my shorter spices go on top). Why did I pick this (because it might help you figure out what works for you):
- It seemed like it would fit a good # of spices — and I could label their tops and easily find them.
- The tiered spice storage isn’t my favorite — and my cabinet has a good amount of depth I wouldn’t be using if I did that.
- The drawers entirely pull-out which makes finding things easier (if it was stuck in the “drawer” I wouldn’t like it nearly as much).
While buying stuff online is great — and if you see a solution (after you measure) that looks like it will fit, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with trying it — but sometimes going to the actual store can help.
If The Container Store is out of your league (I feel you) — consider something like Home Goods. I also have found great prices at Ross (both located in the US — if you have a store you love where you live, tell us in the comments).
I just mostly want to tell you that organizing your cabinets is WORTH it. You may think that you can schlep along with the system that you have going on for a bit longer…. but I’m here to say that investing in yourself is worthwhile.
Honestly, once we got those plate stackers, it just gave me a little pep in my step every time I got something out of that cabinet. It was a real life improvement, and I have to say that a lot of the money we spend may not be that way — but finding the right systems for your house can do that for you.
The Organized Home goes through each area of your house helping you:
- Think about how you want that area to function
- Declutter (SO nice to have a friend with you on this step)
- Find systems that help you put it back in a way that makes life easier.
There is honestly NO better investment in your life. Get started in The Organized Home today!
Not sure you’re quite ready for the full course. Come join me in the totally free 5-word organization challenge!
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